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Temple finder : nearest and around you

4.4 ( 6064 ratings )
Viaggi Navigazione
Sviluppatore sanjay kakadiya

New in the city? Don’t know where to temple? Here is the app temple Finder that shows nearest temple from your current location. You can have list of all kind of temple with details like address, contact number... You can have so many options so you can compare. It shows reviews that is given by people. There are also some photos of temple available.

All temples in hole world are shortlisted in this Application.
User can find nearest temple around your current location
Also shows near by temples with arrow and voice Navigation.
Here you can draw route and navigation in map section also selected another pin than display route between your current location to selected pin.
Here you can display your location to destination temple distance in kilo meters.

- Voice navigation with distance.
- Arrow navigation with distance.
-Temples Geo Location Address
-Temple email Ids
-Temple Contact Numbers
-Temple Web Site
-Temple Web Reviews
-Temple Images
-Temple Rates